The Business Master (4th Edition)
The Business Master - 4th Edition.iso
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Text File
307 lines
DIGIPAD is the world's first auto-scrolling, digital notepad. It was designed
to be used for information-display in schools, offices, stores, libraries,
museums, galleries, hospitals, etc., and to be used at trade shows, club
meetings, and other activities in which an easy-to-edit, vibrant, ever changing
on-screen display is desired. Requirements: IBM or compatible computer with
EGA, VGA or SVGA monitor. This program can not be properly operated with CGA
or monochrome equipment.
To prepare your own text files, type your text into one of the two enclosed DET
files. This package contains two pairs of files with the file extensions DEB
and DET. Each such pair of files is called a DEB/DET module. A DEB/DET module
is always needed in order to display a notepad. Choose whichever DEB/DET
module you want to use, and load its DET file into your text editor or word
processor. If you want to start with the yellow notepad, choose PAD1.DET. To
work with the cyan notepad, select PAD2.DET. Avoid having your word processing
program "convert" the file into the special format used by the word processor.
You must maintain the file as a pure ASCII text file (often called a DOS text
file). Some word processing programs ask if you want to "convert" the file
when you are loading it into the program. Others accept the file "as is" and
perform the conversion when the file is saved, at which time you must be sure
to save it as an ASCII or DOS text file.
Follow these steps:
A. Load the DET file into a word processor or text editor.
B. Note that the very first line is coded with 7 numbers. This is the DET code
and it must not be changed at all.
C. Delete the information text which begins on the line following the DET code,
and set your word processor or text editor to a line-length of 48 charac-
ters. This is the same as a word-wrap of 49.
D. Before typing, be sure to study the section named TEXT-ON-THE-LINES on page
two of this user guide. This is extremely important.
E. Begin typing on line 2, leaving the top line, with its DET code, untouched.
F. After typing your text, save the file under its original name, being sure to
save it as an ASCII or DOS text file. Refer to your word processor's manual
for information on this. If you use the word processor's "default save" the
resulting DET file will not be usable. If you use a text editor, rather
than a word processor, the default save should be an ASCII file.
Do not worry about "using up" the DET files. They may be used over and over,
and the text may be revised or replaced. If you like, rename them or, better
yet, make copies with new names. For example, if you have a DEB/DET module
named PAD1.DEB and PAD1.DET and you want to maintain the original text while
making a new set with a new text, this is easy to do. At your DOS prompt type:
COPY PAD1.DE? PAD1-A.DE? [Enter]
In a moment you will have two new files on your disk, named PAD1-A.DEB and
PAD1-A.DET. Delete the text from PAD1-A.DET and type in your new text and
your job is done!
- 2 -
The way to run your display is with a batch file. As you know, the demo is run
with the batch file named GO.BAT. Continue to use this exact batch file if you
do not change the names of your DEB/DET modules. If you change the names, or
if you decide to use only one notepad, or if you obtain DEB/DET modules for
additional notepads, the batch file will have to be modified. Here is GO.BAT:
echo off
xl-show pad1 pad2
You may modify the above, or write your own batch file in your word processor
or text editor, being sure to save it as an ASCII file (DOS text file). A
batch file may have any name, as long as it has the file extension "BAT."
Always begin with "echo off" to prevent the commands from appearing on-screen
between steps. Current versions of DOS allow the use of "@ echo off" but
earlier versions of DOS did not recognize the @ symbol. Therefore, if your
batch file may be run with an older version of DOS, use "echo off" as it
appears above in GO.BAT.
The line which reads "digipad" loads our program DIGIPAD.COM into the memory
of the computer. This program places the text onto the notepad's horizontal
lines, and permits the use of stars, underlines and faces. The line which
begins with the word "xl-show" loads our program XL-SHOW.EXE which is the
program which displays the text and graphics. The words "pad1" and "pad2" tell
the program the names of the DEB/DET modules. If you want to omit the cyan
notepad, remove the word "pad2" from the batch file. Then, when the text on
the yellow notepad scrolls to the point at which the last line appears on-
screen, it will start again at the top of the text file.
Be sure to end your batch file with the last two lines of GO.BAT. The commands
"ega" and "vga" run our special programs EGA.COM and VGA.COM. These restore
your computer system's default font and video mode after the program ends and
the display is turned off.
Your text will automatically be placed on the lines of the pads. However, the
lines will be broken between words unless you type the underline character
(next to the 0 key) wherever you would normally press the space-bar. Also, if
the last letter on any line is not at position 48, add as many underline char-
acters as are needed so there are 48 characters in each line. At first this
may be awkward, but after awhile it will become automatic.
The above sentence contains 48 characters. We had to add 11 underline
characters after the period. Notice the absence of blank spaces. Any blank
space will result in a broken horizontal line on the notepad. The first time
you display your own text file with the DIGIPAD program, you will most likely
spot a few places where the lines of the notepad have missing segments. To fix
these, edit your text and add the necessary underline symbols where you may
have inadvertently left blank spaces.
- 3 -
To underline a word use the back-slash symbol (\). When your text is displayed
this will be converted to underlining.
Note that you have to use two lines of characters in order to underline a word.
The first line has your text, and the next line consists of underline symbols
(_) and back-slash symbols (\) where you want the bold underlining. If you
want to have a subject heading centered from left to right, and underlined, do
it this way:
Each of the above lines contains 48 characters. The 2nd line contains enough
back-slash symbols so that the underline will be wider than the word "HEADING"
because this gives a nicer appearance.
To have a five-pointed star appear in your text use the tilde symbol (~). This
will be replaced with a star when the display appears on-screen.
To type a male smiling face use the back-accent symbol followed by the pipe
symbol as shown here: `| To type a female smiling face type two curly brack-
ets: {} These combinations will magically turn into faces when your text is
Obviously, you can not use either of the special symbols (\~`|{}) within your
text, for they will automatically turn into stars, underlines or parts of
The program, which consists of DIGIPAD.COM, XL-SHOW.EXE, PAD1 and PAD2 DEB/DET
modules, EGA.COM, VGA.COM, README.TXT GO.BAT and DIGIPAD.DOC, may be copied and
distributed freely, posted on BBSs, listed in shareware catalogs and on CD ROM
disks, as long as ALL the above files are included. You may use the program on
a trial basis for 30 days. After that time you must discontinue use until you
become a registered user. See the registration form below for information on
obtaining a license for use of the program.
To become a registered user and receive the latest version of the program plus
additional DEB/DET modules for a greater variety of colored notepads, fill out
the registration form and send it, with your check or money order to Rexxcom
Systems at the address given. If ordering from a country other than the
U.S.A., you MUST pay by a check drawn on a bank which has offices in the
U.S.A., or by International Money Order. If you send cash, be sure to send
your order by registered mail, signed receipt requested.
- 4 -
XL-SHOW.EXE, the read/display program for DIGIPAD, is also used in a separate
program whose name is XLSHOW. This separate program is used for continuous-
display of on-screen newsletters, notices and topics, and is supplied with
excellent DEB/DET modules, most of which are full screen-width, and which have
a large variety of professional mastheads and headings. If you like DIGIPAD
you will find many uses for XLSHOW as well. It is even possible to combine the
two programs. You will receive an evaluation copy of XLSHOW, complete with
more than ten DEB/DET modules, when you register DIGIPAD.
All Rexxcom Systems programs are provided "as is" with no warranties
whatsoever either expressed or implied, including without limitation,
warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the programs
rests with the user.
You may leave EMail with comments and questions on CompuServe or GEnie at the
following addresses:
CompuServe: 72656,2764 GEnie: C.WIEDEMANN
Copyright (C) 1993 by Rexxcom Systems
All Rights Reserved
P.O. BOX 111
Please enroll me as a registered user, and send me the following:
Quantity Software Fee Subtotal
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~
________ REGISTERED DIGIPAD SOFTWARE 19.95 ________
Includes more DEB/DET modules plus
registered copy of DIGIPAD, plus evalu-
ation copy of separate XLSHOW program.
Registration includes a license to use DIGIPAD for non-
commercial use for 5 years. Includes use at club meetings,
churches, synagogues, etc.
________ COMMERCIAL LICENSE 50.00 ________
(For businesses, schools, government agencies)
Commercial license permits use of DIGIPAD at stores, shops,
business offices, libraries, schools, trade-shows, and other
commercial, educational or government facilities, for 1 year.
________ Add if you use 3.5" disks 1.OO ________
Subtotal ________
Sales Tax (NJ Adresses) ________
Shipping & Handling ________
($4.OO U.S.A. and Canada)
($1O.OO elsewhere)
Non-U.S.A. orders MUST be paid by INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER or
bank check drawn on a bank with OFFICES IN THE UNITED STATES.
Payment MUST accompany all orders.
Total Enclosed ________
Name: _________________________________________
Co. or School if any: _________________________________________
Street Address: _________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _________________________________________
Country: _________________________________________
Area code and Phone: _________________________________________
Mail to: REXXCOM Systems
P.O. Box 111
Schooleys Mt., NJ 07870